Jumble - Wishlist Developer Docs

“Jumble - Wishlist Developer Docs” Documentation by “WP Plugin Experts”

Action Reference


This action runs when displaying the add to wishlist button. you can use this action to display content just before or after the wishlist button.

Filter Reference


This filter allows you to change all the messages in the plugin. The filter includes one parameter, $messages, which is an array containing all the messages. each message has a unique key.


This filter allows you to change terminology from "wishlist" to other terminology like Light Box, Watch List, Wish List, Want List. The filter includes one parameter, $defaults, which is an array containing singular and plural text of terminology.


This filter allows you to change "add to wishlist" button features like product, button text, icon type and icon position. The filter includes one parameter, $args, which is an array containing all the button featured arguments.


This filter allows you to change wishlist URL when sharing a wishlist to social sites or email. The filter includes two parameters, $share_url and $wishlist_id, you can change share_url based on it.


This filter Force allow to display add to wishlist button even product in out of stock or with 0 price. The filter includes two parameter, $value, which is an Boolean value and $product, which is an object contain product data.


This filter allows you to change login redirect URL when click on add to wishlist button without login. The filter includes one parameter, $redirect_url, which is an string containing the redirect URL.