Ultimate Gift Card for WooCommerce Plugins Compatibility

“Ultimate Gift Card for WooCommerce Plugins Compatibility” Documentation by “WP Plugin Experts”

Plugins Compatibility

  • Added a support to work with WooCommerce Currency Switcher plugin. Now, customers will receive a giftcard in a currency they used during checkout. Also, for the customer all giftcard related priced will get converted in customer selected currency so, in regards to ultimate Giftcard plugin a customer will able to track all prices in their currencies and the admin will see the same information in based currency.

  • Added support to work with the bookable product type.

    We have also added support for displaying some booking information. Here is the list of Supported Shortcodes.
    {booking_date} – displays booking date
    {booking_time} – displays booking time
    {booking_persons} – displays booking persons

  • Added support to work with the booking product type of YITH booking plugin.

    We have also added support for displaying some booking information. Here is the list of Supported Shortcodes.
    {booking_date} – displays booking date
    {booking_time} – displays booking time
    {booking_persons} – displays booking persons

  • Added support to work with the bundle product, it will generate a giftcard code for main bundle product and not for each one that is a part of bundle.

    You can use {wc_vendor_shopname} shortcode for displaying vendor’s shop name in generated giftcard.

  • If WC Vendors plugin is enabled, you will see below settings under WooCommerce > Settings > Ultimate Gift Card > Misc Settings as shown in below screenshot

    WC Vendor Settings

    Auto Integrate vendor with Ultimate Gift Card

    Check this box if you want to integrate WC Vendors with Ultimate Gift Card. Enabling this option will allow WC Vendor’s vendor user to access “Gift Card Codes”, “Check Gift Card Code” and “Gift Card Template” page as of below screenshot :-

    Enable Access to Ultimate Gift Card tab

    Check this box if you want to integrate WC Vendors with Ultimate Gift Card. Enabling this option will allow WC Vendor’s vendor user to add Ultimate Gift Card to any product on product add/edit page as shown in screenshot below :-

    You can use {wc_vendor_shopname} shortcode for displaying vendor’s shop name in generated Gift Card.

  • If WC Vendors pro plugin is enabled, you will see below settings under WooCommerce > Settings > Ultimate Gift Card > Misc Settings as shown in below screenshot :-

    If you have setting “Enable Access to Ultimate Gift Card tab” is enabled, vendor will be able to add/edit giftcard product by accessing Ultimate Gift Card settings from the frontend.

  • Added a support to work with WCFM Marketplace plugin. now, vendors can create a Giftcard products from frontend by accessing Ultimate Gift Card settings.

  • Ultimate Gift Card now supports the use of the Pay Your Price extension so that you can allow customers to add a value for their Giftcard to be redeemed with the new price field.

  • Ultimate Gift Card now supports the use of the Name Your Price extension so that you can allow customers to add a value for their Giftcard to be redeemed with the new price field.

  • Added support to work with Social Deals Engine WooCommerce Edition.

  • Added support to work with qTranslate X plugin.

  • After adding a compatibility with Enhanced Media Library it will allow to upload image file on Giftcard templates.